ΜΑΡ FinTech

Size:Unknown Industry:Financial and Insurance Activities
Type:Private Company
Size:Unknown Industry:Financial and Insurance Activities
Type:Private Company

About the company

MAP FinTech is a leading award-winning global regulatory technology provider for the financial services industry, specialising in reporting solutions arising from the requirements of a number of complex and challenging international regulations such as EMIR, MiFID II/MiFIR, ASIC, MAS, SFTR, FATCA, DAC6 and CRS. MAP FinTech also provides innovative and comprehensive solutions for Best Execution Monitoring, RTS 27/28 reporting, KYC & AML Transaction Monitoring, Trade Surveillance (Market Abuse), and eKYC (Screening, eIDV, Document Authentication). MAP FinTech, has been one of the First providers in Europe to have reported under European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) with billions of transactions successfully reported thus far since February 2014.

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