
Size:Unknown Industry:Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
Type:Private Company
Size:Unknown Industry:Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
Type:Private Company

About the company

Founded in 2016, Easybrain is a mobile game developer with more than 1,000,000,000 downloads.

Predictive analytics, a data-driven approach, in-house systems and tools, machine learning, as well as in-depth product, game development and marketing intelligence, creativity, and excellence in everything we do are fundamental parts of our efforts.

We deliver time-tested market leaders such as Sudoku.com, Nonogram.com, Blockudoku, Pixel Art, Drum Pad Machine as well as new chart-topping products like Killer Sudoku, Nonogram.com Color, and Art Puzzle.

In 2021 Easybrain merged with Embracer. As part of the Embracer Group, Easybrain continues to develop strong mobile game titles and strive towards new achievements.

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