Tymvios Labs

Size:Unknown Industry:Healthcare and Social Work
Type:Private Company
Size:Unknown Industry:Healthcare and Social Work
Type:Private Company

About the company

BHS Diagnostics is a unique, modernized clinical laboratory which has only one goal: provide outstanding services to its clients in the fields of Medical Diagnostics, Sports Sciences, Anti-Ageing and General Well Being. It is the only laboratory in Cyprus managed by two PhD holders, with multiple specialisations in a variety of fields. The laboratory specializes amongst others in: Medical Diagnostics (General Health Check-Up) Sport Biochemistry (Nutritional needs identification and predisposition to overtraining and muscular injuries) Sport Science (Physiological Tests in the laboratory and outfield to test parameters such as Max Power, Aerobic Capacity etc) Anti-ageing (Free Radicals and Anti-Oxidants measurements for correct anti-oxidant supplementation and to stop age related diseases) DNA Dieting (a unique approach to lose weight by identifying genetic predisposition and exact daily energy needs)  

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