Teamvision Investment Consulting Ltd

Size:Unknown Industry:Financial and Insurance Activities
Type:Private Company
Size:Unknown Industry:Financial and Insurance Activities
Type:Private Company

About the company

Teamvision Investment Consulting Ltd is a venture capital advisory company, built on professional expertise, integrity, and transparency. We serve the venture capital, private equity, and pension sectors, addressing the needs of corporate, institutional, and high net worth individual investors.We combine a wealth of finance, operational and sectorial expertise with a deep understanding and proven track record in investment consulting and management. We identify, work with, and support people and teams who want to make a difference in their field of expertise. We add value through working closely with management to help maximize the value of the business. We build on our experience as founders and executives of successful companies and take an active role in steering the growth of the businesses we advise, often by taking a seat on the Board of Directors.

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